

An independent assessment of whether a thing has happened or is likely to happen in the manner expected.


A proposal or request that needs to be accepted or rejected by the membership via a decision-making mechanism.

A decision may be taken by a subset of the membership where delegation has been agreed (e.g. via a Terms of Reference).

Decision Facilitator

An individual responsible for moving a decision through the decision pipeline. A decision facilitator represents the work of a decision team and may be a member of that decision team.

A facilitator is not necessarily responsible for implementing a decision.

Decision Pipeline

A representation of all planned and current decisions that the whole membership must make or choose to delegate, place on hold or withdraw.

The pipeline shows the progress of a decision from early-stage refinement work through to acceptance or rejection by the membership.

Decision Pipeline Procedures

A set of procedures that ensure that all relevant decisions are represented on the decision pipeline, that members can access timely and relevant information, that members know how to engage with decisions, and that decision facilitators can rely on the membership to engage in an appropriate and timely manner.

Decision Portfolio Manager

An individual responsible for scheduling and running the decision pipeline procedures and ensuring that these procedures are followed.

Decision Register

A record of all decisions made, and their results.

Decision Team

A team responsible for shaping a decision, engaging with stakeholders, and creating supporting materials to help members make a decision. There is no minimum or maximum size of a team.

A decision team is not necessarily responsible for implementing a decision

Decision-making Mechanism

A specified procedure through which a decision will be made (e.g. a Consent decision as specified on the wiki or an Ordinary Motion as specified in the Company Rules).


A member of the co-op with rights and reciprocal responsibilities at all stages of the decision process.

Non-member employee

A non-member employee of the co-op does not directly participate in making decisions but they may participate in the decision-making process in other roles, for example as a stakeholder or decision facilitator.

Pipeline Review

A section of the fortnightly co-op meeting in which the decision pipeline is reviewed, key changes are highlighted, any queries raised, and issues and actions are identified. Decisions may also be scheduled, rescheduled withdrawn, put on hold or delegated.

Product Manager

An individual responsible for maintaining, updating and documenting products and procedures, and ensuring that these meet the needs of the co-op.


An individual or group that can affect, be affected by, or perceives itself to be affected by, a decision.