Decision summary


There is no standardised way of providing members with proposals or supporting information. The following information is offered as guidance. The Decision Pipeline includes a regular update process through which individual products, processes and activities may be updated or identified for improvements.

A decision summary will vary depending on the complexity and impact of the decision. Small decisions may require only a paragraph or so of text. Larger decisions may require a paper for members, with supporting information in various formats.

A decision summary may require some or all of the components listed below.

Components of a decision summary



Proposal text

The text of a decision that Members will vote on, as currently understood by the decision team.

Drivers or rationale

A summary of why a particular decision is needed. Describing this in terms of organisational drivers can be a useful technique.

Outcomes and benefits

What is expected to result from the decision.

Supporting information

Information that allows Members to make an informed decision. This may vary in format depending on the nature of the decision, e.g. a budget, an appendix of technical options, a report of market conditions.


A high-level summary of outputs or products, i.e. authorisation of projects with deliverables.


An outline budget for a decision with cost or capacity implications.


Any internal or external deadlines for the decision.


Any internal or external dependencies that have been identified.