As a Member


The average time commitment per fortnight is estimated at 10-45 minutes reading asynchronous updates before the meeting and 15-30 minutes of meeting time.

This is variable but the visibility provided by the decision pipeline also means that demands on members’ time are somewhat predictable, and that decisions can be scheduled and prioritised when capacity is tight.

As a Member you have two main responsibilities:

Staying up-to-date

As a Member you should stay up-to-date with individual decisions and the state of the decision pipeline. This includes reading updates and relevant background material before meetings and being aware of upcoming decision dates and deadlines.

This responsibility is fulfilled via the following tasks:

Participating in decision-making

As a Member of the co-op you should actively participate in decisions, including exercising independent judgement as a Director of the co-op and recognising where your skills, opinions or judgement would be valuable to shaping a decision.

This responsibility is fulfilled via the following tasks: